Quality school playgrounds are built to last for years, even with constant use almost every day and for most of the year. Eventually, however, all play areas feel the ravages of time and need to be updated. Your school’s play area might have become tired and faded over time. The colors are not as bright and the equipment seems worn. Your playground may appear dated, and fewer kids want to explore the space at recess and after school. The weather and climate, as well as heavy play, can take a toll.
You may also notice performance problems. With time, play equipment may start to deteriorate. You may find rust or pests or need to schedule repairs and maintenance more often. The damage could even lead to broken playground components that you need to replace. Old wood playsets can crumble, develop cracks or show other signs of wear. At this stage, you need to consider safety and performance.
Various other signs show your play space needs a refresh. If children are less thrilled to be playing in the space or if your equipment is no longer as welcoming, you may need to make some changes.
As your school’s mission changes, you may also find your current playground does not meet your goals. Perhaps you want to encourage more cognitive development and allow your teachers to take lessons to the playground. Or you may wish to develop a healthy level of activity at your school. Bring your current playground up to date to align with these new objectives.
Playworld makes it easy to update your play space with classic and innovative play equipment designed to help kids have fun while they learn. Adhering to current safety standards, our play equipment helps all children get in on the fun. And our friendly team is here to help you every step of the way, from planning your play space to choosing the right pieces, budgeting and financing.
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When you want to install a playground, you have a choice between new equipment and used play equipment, whether you update your existing play area or start from scratch. Installing new playground equipment at your school comes with many benefits.
New playground equipment developed today must adhere to current safety standards. That’s crucial for keeping children safe, especially since more than 200,000 children visit the emergency room each year due to playground-related injuries. On any school playground, especially, safety must come first to reduce hazards for your students and minimize liability.
Playworld playground equipment meets or exceeds the safety standards of the top safety organizations in the industry, including those from:
New playground designs also encourage safety as manufacturers create them with lines of sight in mind. Modern play space design makes it easier to see all areas of a playground, giving teachers and others a chance to supervise more fully, keeping all kids safer.
About 7 million students in the U.S. have a disability, and various medical conditions can affect children’s ability to enjoy playgrounds. In the 1990s, playground equipment had to adhere to ADA standards to make it accessible to children who use wheelchairs and to others with lower mobility. Since then, our understanding of the way children use playgrounds has advanced. Today, child experts recognize accessibility may not be enough.
While accessibility allows children of all abilities to access a playground, it does not always mean all children are included completely in play. An ADA-compliant playground may not promote inclusive play where children of all abilities can play together. Children may not have equal access to the “coolest” pieces of equipment, which can create separation on the playground and in the classroom when kids do not play together.
Inclusion is a newer concept in playground design. Inclusive playground design allows all children to play together in one space instead of creating a separate area. Children at different ability levels and ages can use inclusive play equipment according to their skills, confidence levels and mobility. These play spaces can help break down barriers and give all children a chance to feel confident on the playground.
At Playworld, for instance, our AeroGlider™ is a glider that children in wheelchairs, younger children and older children can all use. These types of play equipment can also be a good value since more children can use them.
Inclusive play equipment allows teachers and parents with disabilities to access the playground and help children, as well. It allows for good lines of sight and plenty of room around each piece of equipment to fully support each child in play. Take our Accessible Swing Seat as an example. This equipment offers extra support for kids and can be set up so adults in wheelchairs can get closer to any child needing some extra help.
Inclusive playgrounds in schools take into account much more than just physical differences, too. They create safe and cozy spaces for children who may get overwhelmed and need a break while still offering teachers and staff good sightlines. They also create spaces where children can work on social skills. Inclusive play equipment really goes a few steps beyond just allowing children with disabilities to access the play area.
Newer play equipment is based on the idea that play can be an enriching play experience, intended to encourage the following:
New play equipment is designed with input from childhood experts and kids. That feedback gives you pieces that go further and help your students learn outside the classroom while encouraging healthy development during play.
Manufacturers of new playground equipment work hard to design quality products and support you every step of the way. New equipment comes with all the necessary parts, detailed installation instructions and even installation support. It also comes properly packaged to ensure it arrives intact and you are not missing any important pieces, letting you set up your play area correctly and safely.
When you work with Playworld, our team will answer all your questions and work with you to design and build the playground you want. The team can ensure you have the right maintenance schedule and that your setup is correct. We’ll also promptly address any concerns or questions, even after installation. Playworld even offers a planning guide for schools to make it easier for teachers, principals and administrators to make the right design choices.
Playworld has training sessions to help you and your team learn about play design, playgrounds, inclusive options and more, as well. Learn before you buy to ensure your budget dollars go as far as possible. That extra support can make the difference between a functional play space and one that serves each student while furthering your school’s mission.
In the past, school playground equipment was just pretty much “there,” purchased without much consideration beyond the basic need for a play area. Today, manufacturers and educators take a much more nuanced approach to recess and playtime. We understand more about the benefits of play, and schools want to make playgrounds matter.
Playworld is committed to creating enriching playgrounds. Our new playgrounds are not just a space for children to burn off extra energy. Our playgrounds create:
Playground companies like Playworld partner with nonprofits, industry experts, governments and nonpartisan agencies to make play more accessible to more children and encourage kids to play. Playworld has been a staunch supporter of recess time and inclusive play. We work with organizations to make play equipment safer by establishing new safety standards. Quite simply, when you buy new playground equipment, you are creating a brighter future for playtime.
When you buy new playground equipment, you choose the pieces that best fit your students’ needs. Select stand-alone pieces, full playsets or combine various elements to create the right combination of play equipment. You can even build a playground in the school’s colors to build school spirit.
Customizable playground equipment is essential for more than its ability to create a better play experience. With spatial limitations, you need the opportunity to customize your play space. You may have a small footprint to devote to a play area and need a custom solution to offer as many activities as possible. Or you may have an uneven playground or unusual terrain, requiring customized support. Playworld offers design assistance to ensure you get professional input and a personalized playground for your students.
When you purchase new playground equipment, you get new pieces that reflect children’s needs and interests today. Your students will be excited to glean all the benefits of play.
Today’s playgrounds go well beyond the classic swings and slides of years past to offer truly innovative pieces. Our NEOS® Outdoor Electronic Playgrounds are inclusive spaces that combine the excitement of video games with outdoor play. These pieces include electronic components to spark the competitive spirit. Likewise, the play panels line is an electronic line of play equipment powered by children who spin, push buttons or otherwise interact with the structures.
Today’s playgrounds have new design details to make using a play space more fun. There are shades to help keep kids cooler at recess and protect equipment from overheating. Sensory tactile playground components may be more pleasant to the touch, and slides with multiple slide areas allow kids to have fun together. Up-to-date design details make playgrounds more functional and enjoyable, improving the experience for your students.
New playground equipment can be customized to fit your play area. Nature-inspired equipment or pieces that suit your surroundings make your campus look more attractive and let you incorporate natural elements into your play space.
A more integrated playground can also get children discussing the world around them. If your school is in an area with interesting rocks, the Challengers® Playmakers® Boulder Climber can help teachers launch discussions about geology. If your school is located near green spaces, the Nature Hunt Panel can launch talks about the native animals in your area.
The decisions you make with installation and design can have a big impact on playground safety. Which surfacing do you need with your chosen playground equipment? What about use zones? How much clearance do you need around each item to keep kids safe? When you purchase new playground equipment, you get support for these questions and can even get a custom maintenance schedule for your school.
Playground equipment is only part of your play space’s story. You also need benches for teachers and staff and for school sports events, shade to prevent heat-related issues, litter receptacles to keep your schoolyard clean and other practical components. When you purchase from Playworld, you can buy these and other accessories and furnishings in one place, ensuring you get everything you need for your campus.
New play equipment comes with warranties and after-purchase support. Even with the best-quality play equipment, things may go wrong or you may have questions. With new playground components, you have a warranty so you are covered and do not have to pay out of pocket for most repairs. If you need spare parts, it’s easy to get them. If there’s a recall on any component, your manufacturer will contact you and make it right so you enjoy greater peace of mind.
A new playground can also grow with you more easily when you buy new products. If you have a question about maintenance or care, the manufacturer can help. New equipment is easy to adjust or add to as your school’s needs change, too. It may be easier to purchase components that match the new play space you have created, especially since products in the same line may still be available.
Of course, not all new playgrounds are made the same. If you decide to enjoy all the benefits of new playground equipment, choose a reputable brand and company. Playworld has helped many schools around the country build and update play spaces with quality pieces. We are dedicated to school playgrounds. And we are there with you every step of the way, from helping you design your play space to helping you pick out the pieces and install them.
Knowing how to choose school playground equipment can make the process much simpler. Picking the best manufacturer and deciding on what play components your school needs require careful considerations. You want the time, effort and money you put into a new playground project to create a result that students are interested in. As you start the decision-making process, consider:
You should also work with a manufacturer with years of experience developing industry knowledge. They should adhere to strict safety standards and strive to create inclusive play spaces that you can share with students and adults who visit your playground.
Partnering with Playworld to choose school playground equipment makes the decision easier. Our team of experts can suggest the components, layout and designs that suit your space, needs and budget.
When you’re thinking of updating your play area, buying used commercial playground equipment can seem attractive for its price point. You might already buy pre-owned items for your school, from vehicles to computers. But for playground equipment, safety is a key consideration that might dissuade you from buying used.
Experts recommend not buying a used bike helmet or car seat for safety reasons. You’ll need to keep similar considerations in mind if you’re thinking about pre-owned playground equipment. Consider the drawbacks of buying used school play equipment:
Fortunately, if your main reason for considering used structures and play components is budget, Playworld can help. We have many options to allow you to get the latest play equipment without breaking the bank. We have a variety of financing options, and we will work with you to help you get the equipment you need within your available budget.
We offer free resources about budgeting, fundraising and other financing options, as well. Monetary concerns never have to stand in the way of creating a fun, inclusive, safe and enriching playground kids will be able to use for years to come.
Multiple solutions allow you to buy new playground equipment for your school. You may be eligible for grants, and you can launch fundraisers to get people interested in your school while also raising money.
Phase building is another consideration if budget is a concern. You purchase pieces of equipment gradually, spacing out the costs. This option may help you afford a quality new playground without settling for used equipment.
Playworld is a leader in school playgrounds and has already helped many institutions of learning across the country create innovative, fun and enriching playgrounds for students. Working with us means your school enjoys many benefits, including:
Playworld is a multi-generational, privately owned and operated company. In the business for decades, Playworld offers quality playground equipment manufactured in the U.S. and designed to adhere to the highest standards of safety and craftsmanship.
We have a range of products for schools, including stand-alone pieces and our bestselling Playworld School-Age Playgrounds for the 5- to 12-year-old market. Our playgrounds for schools are activity-promoting, community-building, fun-producing and brain-boosting play areas designed to let kids be kids while also complementing your school’s classroom activities. Don’t just take our word for it — take a look at the many schools already integrating Playworld options in their schoolyards with great success.
We are leaders in sustainability and inclusive play, and we work with schools to ensure places of learning can buy and update playgrounds on a budget. When you work with us, you can feel good about the difference you are making for your students and for the future of play. Contact us today for a quote or browse our site to see some of the school campuses we have helped transform.