
Professional Playground Installation

Playground Installation

Few experiences elicit the excitement that comes with planning a playground. From determining the proper site logistics to amassing a team of professional or novice playground installers, playground planners are constantly checking off their running to-do list items. Yet playground installation does not need to be overwhelming. In fact, it should generate feelings of satisfaction and even awe.

Bookmark this page to help your organization through the playground planning stages and ease the path to inclusive, sustainable, and fun outdoor play. Need extra assistance or have a specific question about any of Playworld’s superbly crafted and USA-manufactured equipment? Contact your local Playworld playground representative.

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Planning a Well-Considered Playground Install

Playworld playgrounds come in a variety of types, including Early Childhood Playgrounds, Playworld School-age Playgrounds, NEOS Electronic Playgrounds, PlaySimple Commercial Playgrounds, ENERGI Total Body, Outdoor Fitness Systems, Origins Nature Playgrounds, and even LifeTrail® Outdoor Wellness Systems for adults. Nevertheless, all playgrounds have some similar requirements and considerations. Prior to setting an installation date, playground planners should determine how to handle a few necessities. Some simply require an answer from the planner or planning committee. Others involve third-party contractors such as landscapers or construction companies to address particulars. After putting together a comprehensive list of everything needed to make the playground installation day go well, planners will want to map out what the install will look like from start to finish.

Here’s what you should be thinking about:

Zoning Regulations

Before the purchase of playground products and systems, planners will want to speak with local authorities to stay in line with zoning expectations. This limits the likelihood of regulatory questions closer to the installation date. Utilities should also be informed of any intention to dig, as underground pipes and wires may inhibit where a playground can sit.

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Permit Expectations

Every municipality and state has its own permit expectations. For instance, some places require sealed engineering drawings and soil tests prior to playground installation. The more information gathered ahead of time regarding the legal aspects of installing a playground, the fewer stumbling blocks there are down the road.

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Shade vs. No Shade

Every playground encourages movement and activity from all participants. Even on chilly winter days, kids, teachers, volunteers, and parents can appreciate a place to sit and rest away from the sun. Yet, relief may not be possible if the site lacks natural shade elements. Alternatives to having no shade include installing permanent canopies or planting somewhat mature trees.

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Grade Perfection

All Playworld playground equipment and additional furnishings must be installed on a site featuring a grade of 2% or less. The site can include a concrete pad, although concrete installation of the equipment should involve the assistance of a concrete installation professional. To reduce playground concerns related to groundwater accumulation and excessive moisture, the site should offer reliable drainage.

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Safe Play Protection

Some Playworld playground equipment assembly instructions recommend that a site include safety surfacing to promote safer play. Safety surfacing helps reduce the impact and severity of falls. In fact, safety surfacing may be preferred even if it has not been explicitly required by instructions. Safety surfacing keeps everyone moving and smiling.

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Playground Equipment Storage

In the event that the playground equipment needs to be stored elsewhere before the playground installation day, planning individuals and committees should find the right storage solutions. Ideally, the location should be clean and accessible, as well as large enough to accommodate the equipment pieces.

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Enjoying a Post-Installation Playground

Looking forward to the moment when everyone can launch into full play mode on your newly installed playground? By taking playground installation seriously, you can treat your school or community to unprecedented levels of safety and fun.

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