
Playground Grants

Stimulate Your Budget with a Playground Grant

Rising health concerns across the country mean families are more interested in creating a supportive, engaging environment for children to get active. Play spaces provide essential places for children to unlock their imaginations, interact with other kids, and participate in active play. Now is the time for local businesses, schools, parks, and community centers to invest in new playground equipment that can offer vital resources to communities.

However, funding new play spaces can be challenging for many businesses. Playground grants are popular resources that provide financial assistance when it’s needed most.

We offer guidance on identifying potential donors and managing effective fundraising initiatives.

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We offer a specialized grant guide which covers each US state, detailing a wide array of grant opportunities available nationwide. Whether you are seeking assistance from local government programs or broader state initiatives, our guides offer vital guidance on eligibility criteria and effective funding strategies.

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We also offer a comprehensive guide tailored specifically for Canada, which outlines a wide range of grant opportunities available across the country. This resource can equip communities with essential strategies and information to navigate the Canadian funding landscape.

How to Find Playground Grants

You can find playground grants from various agencies, corporations, and nonprofits. Check out some examples below:

  • National, Regional, and Local Government Agencies: Governments often offer playground grants for schools, parks, and community projects. When applying for a government grant, start by looking at the resources, agencies, and programs in your city and state. You may also be able to learn more about additional grant opportunities by contacting your local community foundation.
  • Corporations: Businesses are often willing to invest in their local community. We have compiled a full list of suggested corporate business grant requests, including well-known corporations such as Costco Foundation, Wells Fargo Corporate Giving grants, and the Walmart Foundation. Don’t forget to reach out to your local businesses and banks to request grant opportunities as well.
  • Nonprofit Organizations: Many nonprofits offer grants for school playgrounds and community projects. Research the nonprofit organizations in your city, region, and state to get started.

Other Sources of Funding for Playgrounds

Grants for playground equipment aren’t the only way to receive help for your fitness or playground project. There are many different avenues you can pursue to pad your budget and make playground financing possible, including:

  • Crowdsourcing. Outside of official government grants, there are plenty of places to turn for fundraising assistance. Individuals in your community, local businesses, and service clubs in your region are excellent resources that may be willing to donate to your new playground. We recommend using a combination of online fundraising as well as making personal requests whenever possible.
  • Fundraising events. In-person fundraising events can be dynamic ways to engage with your community and raise both funds and awareness about your playground project. Host your own party inviting several fundraising prospects and a special guest. You can also prepare information about how your playground will positively impact the local community.
  • Financing. If you need extra help to bridge the gap, look into financing options to help break down the cost of your new playground. At Playworld, we offer several convenient and simple ways to finance the entirety of your playground. Our leasing and phasing programs allow you to get your project started without a burden on your budget.

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Playground Grants

Below is a sample of the government agency, corporation, and nonprofit grants in our guide. Those grants cover a variety of applications, such as community parks, schools, and churches, and some are accessibility-specific.

To find further grant opportunities, download our expanded grant guides.

The Reeve Foundation Quality of Life Grants Program awards grants to nonprofit organizations that impact and empower people living with paralysis, their families and caregivers.

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Walmart awards local cash grants every year to help address the needs of the communities where they operate. Any school or organization with projects that specifically benefit the community as a whole can apply.

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 The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) believes all children should have an equal opportunity to thrive. WKKF has worked with dozens of communities on projects to help vulnerable children realize their full potential.

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Eligibility requirements vary widely, depending on the grant. Some grants are only for non-profit organizations or require you to show how your playground will help your community.

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