Finalists announced in KaBOOM!’s Play Everywhere Challenge

In May we told you about KaBOOM!’s Play Everywhere Challenge (PEC), a national competition that will award innovative, replicable ideas in city redevelopment and design that make play easy, available and fun for kids and families.

Playworld is collaborating with KaBOOM! on the PEC because we believe all children need play to grow up healthy, resilient and ready for life. Too many children miss out on the chance to play because of where they live, where they come from or how much their families earn.

The Challenge sought out creative and community-driven solutions that integrate play into everyday life and unexpected places – sidewalks, vacant lots, bus stops, open streets, and beyond. KaBOOM! received over 1,000 applications and now 200 finalists have been selected.

Finalists will receive funds and assistance to further hone their ideas, and in September KaBOOM! will award $1 million in prize money to enable 50 winners from all across the United States to bring their ideas to life.

Visit KaBOOM!’s gallery to see ideas from the finalists and other great ideas from the Challenge applications.

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