Warmer weather means more time spent outside. So why not trade the gym for a fresh-air fitness system?
Playworld Systems’ ENERGI is an outdoor, total body fitness system designed for ages 13 and up.
ENERGI incorporates the latest fitness theories and was designed in accordance with the FITT principle – frequency, intensity, time and type – which is endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Council on Exercise.
ENERGI includes five stations featuring three different skill levels to offer a total of 120 exercises. Users are guided through exercises with step-by-step instructions so it’s easy to build a 15- to 60-minute workout routine with Playworld Systems’ ENERGI.
For example, residents of Atlanta are battling weight problems associated with poor diet and lack of exercise. Statistics show that 23.3 percent of adults in Fulton County, Georgia are overweight. Recognizing an opportunity to encourage park visitors to get active, city officials installed Playworld Systems’ ENERGI system.
In addition to providing an outdoor fitness opportunity, the ENERGI installation at Atlanta’s popular park is part of a larger national trend to create multi-generational play spaces. Teens, many of whom have outgrown traditional playground equipment, now have a great physical fitness option right in their community park.
The new equipment also allows adolescents and adults to lead by example and demonstrate the importance of physical activity to younger children at the park.
What are your favorite ways to be active outside? Do any of your local playgrounds or parks feature fitness equipment?