
Project Spotlight: Middletown Elementary School

Students at Maryland’s Middletown Elementary School now have a new playground to call home during recess. The play space is inclusive, meaning it is accessible for all of Middletown’s students, regardless of ability.

The school takes part in its district’s Challenges Program, which caters to the needs of children with autism and/or severe communication disorders. In need of a new playground, elementary school administrators wanted a play space for all of its students to enjoy and hired local Playworld Systems’ distributor, Playground Specialists Inc. The company installed one of the first totally inclusive playgrounds in the Frederick County Public School System – and one of just a couple in the region.

Middletown Elementary School Playworld Systems inclusive playground








Middletown Elementary School Playworld Systems inclusive playgroundMiddletown Elementary School Playworld Systems inclusive playground









The inclusive playground at Middletown Elementary School features:

cruise lineCruise Line
This unique ride gives the kids at Middletown the thrill of something exciting and new with perceived risk and speed. Riders can sit back-to-back, face-to-face, alone, or even lie down.


PlayWeb Playworld SystemsPlayWeb
PlayWeb provides a unique place for students to hang out and interact with their classmates. Exciting climbing challenges foster curiosity and build confidence for elementary school-aged children. Just the right size for smaller spaces, PlayWeb sturdy frame and moving rope webbing challenges children to climb and interact with friends while experiencing perceived risk.

Playworld Systems Spinami

This 360-degree spinning apparatus can hold several students at once and helps improve balance, muscle control and gross motor skills. Black rope netting adds an element of surprise and keeps kids playing longer. The closer users stand to the center pole, the faster Spinami spins.


Playworld Systems Cozy CocoonCozy Cocoon
This piece of equipment is fun for all students, but specially designed for children with autism spectrum disorders. Cozy Cocoon provides an enclosed space for one child to escape the playground when s/he becomes over stimulated.


Playworld Systems Triumph ClimberTriumph Climber
Students at Middletown Elementary have the industry’s first all-steel inclusive climber on their new playground. Triumph Climber’s various challenge levels lets children of all abilities climb and play together in one contiguous space, generating a sense of achievement and self-esteem. The low-profile allows aids easy access to assist with transfers.


The students of Middletown Elementary School loved the new inclusive playground. “All of the children in the school were so excited,” said Jeff Barber, president of Playground Specialists Inc. “On this playground they’re meeting new friends that they wouldn’t ordinarily interact with, learning the similarities they have with one another.”

From the Cruise Line to the Cozy Cocoon, the students of Middletown Elementary School can take a break from the day’s stresses and just have fun together.

What are some of your fondest memories from recess? Tell us in the comments.

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