Recent studies suggest children ages 10 to 16 spend only 12.6 minutes per day engaged in some form of physical activity–not anywhere near the 60 minutes suggested by experts. And compared to the 1970s, children now spend 50 percent less time in unstructured outdoor activities. During this timeframe, obesity rates among American children have tripled. Sedentary lifestyles contribute to obesity, and the problem has grown to epidemic proportions among the nation’s children. We believe more play and keeping recess in schools are part of the solution to help end childhood obesity.
If getting kids active is important to you as well, the Healthy Playground Makeover Sweepstakes is an easy way to try and bring the latest in play equipment to your local school. Each year, the Healthy Playground Makeover Sweepstakes provides the opportunity for schools to win big. The Sweepstakes is organized by Together Counts, a nationwide program to inspire active and healthy living, started by The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, a broad-based non-profit whose mission is to help reduce childhood obesity. In 2010 Playworld became an associate member of the organization.
Administrators, teachers, parents and community members can enter this year’s Sweepstakes for a chance to win one of three grand prizes for their school, including $30,000 in cash and sporting goods and a new PlayCubes™ playground from Playworld.
For the first time, the Sweepstakes will designate one grand prize to a U.S. military base or installation for a school or community organization serving the children of active duty military. Additionally, to support low-income schools, the Sweepstakes will award one of the grand prizes to a school that qualifies for Title I funding. Three runner-up winners will each receive a $5,000 cash prize.
As a proud Together Counts partner, we encourage you to enter once a day, every day until March 24, 2017. The more entries a particular school has, the greater chance it has to win. Help keep kids active and fight obesity in your community by entering to win.
Fill out your entry here!