
Swing Along

Product #: SWING-ALONG-350
Multigenerational swing features face-to-face seats: one for children under 5 and one for a sibling, parent or caregiver. Deeper seat with chain suspension in front of toddler provides more support and multiple, easy handholds. Promotes social, emotional, visual, vestibular, proprioceptive, and language development Includes one 3.5" (8,89 cm) diamater arch swing bay and one Swing Along swing seat assembly including chains. Also available in 5" (12,7 cm) diameter arch. Add-a-bay sections available to create multi-seat swings.
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Product Details

Space Required:
32' 4" × 19' 9"
3' 8'' × 7' 9'' × 8' 2''
319 lb
Fall Height:
8' 0"

Prices are approximate. Prices shown in U.S. dollars. Prices do not include freight, custom fees, surfacing, or installation. Please contact your authorized Playworld Representative for pricing.

Pictured components and their associated prices are not reflective of total cost of configuration.
