Motion Play

Cone Spinner w/ Floor

Product #: ZZXX0911
The Cone Spinner presents a unique play experience each time a child interacts with the
product. Children can test their courage by climbing to the top, increasing their strength,
balance, and independence. The Cone Spinner also presents an inclusive play experience
by being easy to access at the bottom. Children can sit and spin while their legs dangle
creating a unique spinning experience. Multiple children can enjoy the product at once
increasing the play value of this unique addition to any playground.
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Product Details

Space Required:
18' 10" × 18' 10"
6' 11'' × 6' 11'' × 8' 1''
367 lb
Fall Height:
5' 0"

Prices are approximate. Prices shown in U.S. dollars. Prices do not include freight, custom fees, surfacing, or installation. Please contact your authorized Playworld Representative for pricing.

Pictured components and their associated prices are not reflective of total cost of configuration.
