Play Fundamentals

Metro Station

Product #: FUN-1489
On this design Play Fundamentals design, kids can practice their balancing skills with the Button Loop, ring the bells, and enjoy a bumpy trip down the Rumble Seat Slide, helping to develop multi-sensory awareness. A bridge and stairs provide access to the upper level. Three different climbers develop physical abilities. Transfer station provides access to children of all abilities. Made of durable steel and plastic.
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Product Details

Space Required:
34' 0" × 46' 2"
21' 9'' × 33' 8'' × 9' 6''
2622 lb
Fall Height:
6' 0"

Prices are approximate. Prices shown in U.S. dollars. Prices do not include freight, custom fees, surfacing, or installation. Please contact your authorized Playworld Representative for pricing.

Pictured components and their associated prices are not reflective of total cost of configuration.
